Alex Shanklin
Raleigh Project Manager

Alex Shanklin is a gardener, farmer, and teacher. He worked in the landscaping industry in central North Carolina until he moved to Kauai, Hawaii and began work as a farm maintenance and land  manager as well as working for the Hongan-ji and BDK Hawaii for several years. He received a BA in Geotech from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and a postbac in CTE from Leeward Community College. Alex studied abroad twice in Japan to return to Hawaii where he worked as a Career and Technical Education teacher at Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle school. He is currently working as a gardener and building a farm in Chatham County, after spending the last eight years working as an English teacher in the public school system in the Kanto region of Japan. He can understand spoken and written intermediate Japanese and Spanish as well as comfortably speak Japanese and is working on re-acclimating to speaking Spanish. He has a passion for soil and wetland improvement.
