#Funded: USS Receives OCCCA Grant
Urban Sustainability Solutions has been awarded $69,156 in funds from Orange County’s Community Climate Action Grant. This funding is crucial to helping implement our “Growing More Than Rain Gardens” program, which aims to assist 10 Orange County teachers in running an after-school program for up to 50 students. This green infrastructure workforce development program is designed to administer and obtain after-school green-jobs training by job shadowing with environmental contractors. Students will be installing rain-gardens, rain-harvesting cisterns, riparian buffers, and other sustainable stormwater “best management practices” on underserved/low-income properties suffering from flooding and erosion issues in Orange County. And even better, participating teachers are each paid $800, and students receive $220 on top of vital on-site work experience and improved environmental literacy! We are currently recruiting teachers and students for the program. Sign up here!