Urban @ Bolin Creek

Urban Sustainability Solutions was delighted to take part in the Carrboro Native Planting Volunteer Workday back in March. Volunteers and students armed with gloves, shovels, and trowels, planted 500 native species on a one acre parcel in Carrboro’s Bolin Forest neighborhood. The introduction of the new vegetation will help stabilize the area, reduce erosion, and protect Bolin Creek, which underwent a recent installation of a regenerative stormwater conveyance. The workday was hosted by the Carrboro Stormwater Collaborative, including Bolin Forest and Forest Court neighborhoods, the Town of Carrboro, Orange County Soil and Water, Friends of Bolin Creek, Carrboro High School, Green Tigers Chapel Hill High, UNC EcoLab, NCSU Extension Service, gardeners, and members of the community.


Weaver Community Project


First Day at Millbrook High